Privacy policy

L’IMAGE has always considered the protection and security of data of its Users to be of fundamental importance.
In compliance with the entry into force of the EU Regulation 2016/679 “GDPR”, l’IMAGE has updated its Privacy Policy to make it even clearer how to manage the site in relation to the processing of personal data.

For all information about cookies:
Cookies Policy (in Italian)

For the extended version of this privacy policy:
Full disclosure on the processing of personal data (in Italian).

Processing owner and processor of data

L’IMAGE di Alessandro Bellenda
Registered Office: Piazza dei Partigiani, 16 – 17021 Alassio (SV) – IT
Tax code: BLLLSN65S14A278U
Certified electronic mail (PEC):
Registry Office: SAVONA
REA: SV – 125990

External Processor of Website Data

It is recommended that you view this Privacy Policy every time that you visit the L’Image website.
Entry into force: May 2015.
Last updated: May, 25 2018


If you have any requests for additional information regarding this Privacy Policy, please contact L’Image